30 day Job Seeker Sprint Challenge

Job Seeker 30-Day Challenge

Since downloading the job-seekers computer skills checklist perhaps your brain has gone into overdrive and is starting to ask lots of questions.

  • Should I start submitting applications over the next couple of months even though I'm not ready, then hustle like mad when I get invited to interview?

    Or do I take some time now to bang my Microsoft skills into shape before sending out applications.

    And how long do employers take to shortlist candidates anyway?

  • Do I take the free route and hit the Google and Youtube trail where I might have to sift through 10 videos or articles to find one good one?

    Or should I choose the paid route and speed things up by investing in a proper course? How expensive will that be? Will it be worth it? Are there any other options?
Job Seeker Espresso Package

If you find yourself in this predicament, 
then I have some welcome news

Coffee rocks! Jason Morrell, Office Mastery Digital Academy

My name is Jason. I am a course creator, Certified Microsoft Trainer and long-time business owner.

I'm known for getting results.

And I'm also known for getting to the point.

Thank you for not wasting my time with a 30 minute lecture of the freaking history of Excel and all kinds of unnecessary info, like so many other ppl do. Your info is quick and easy.

Andy Winslow

Thank you for not wasting my time with a 30 minute lecture of the freaking history of Excel and all kinds of unnecessary info, like so many other ppl do. Your info is quick and easy.

Andy Winslow

After helping thousands of people leverage the power of Microsoft Office over the last 20 years I have a deep and clear understanding of exactly where common frustrations and weak areas commonly lie.

I've also seen first-hand what the pressure of having to secure a job to pay overdue bills does to people and the anxiety and insecurity it creates.

I 'get' where you're coming from.

For example ...

  • You just need quick answers, not a 'forever' course or even a whole course;
  • You're definitely NOT interested in a $2,000 super-sized megacourse that has 100 hours of lessons you'll never finish and 50 bonuses you'll never use;
  • You just want to learn the bits you don’t know, as identified in the skills checklist you downloaded;
  • You need a short-term solution to get you up-to-speed quickly, like  cramming for an exam;
  • You are able and willing to invest a little to raise your level to where it needs to be, but you don’t want to spend a fortune;
  • You just want a confidence booster to make you feel more ready to apply for the jobs you want and give it your absolute best shot;

Use the checklist to help you ELIMINATE and FOCUS

As you already know by now, Word, Outlook and Excel are the 800 pound gorillas.

But remember, you don't have to know everything.

ACTION: Grab a highlighter or a red pen.

Identify and mark every skill in your checklist that you need to master. 

That's where your focus needs to be.

Everything else is noise.

So, what can you do between now and your next interview to boost your computer skills and be as ready as you can be?

I'm glad you asked !

I would like to invite you to join ...

The 30-Day Sprint Challenge

If you can commit to just a few minutes a day for 30 days (or less) then you can elevate your Outlook, Word and Excel skills to the level they need to be, without wasting valuable time chasing your tail or going down dead ends..

I have splintered off the Outlook, Word and Excel courses from the Office Legends Academy into a special package.

(click the images below for course details)


Word Bootcamp

$199 value

Word Mastery

$299 value

Excel Bootcamp

$299 value

Excel Mastery

$399 value

Outlook Mastery

$299 value

Thank you, you're the FIRST person to ever explain this in a way that is understandable and works!

Siyabonga Jali

Every course has been carefully structured into modules and lessons that all connect but are also self-contained, so it's super-easy to navigate. 

Follow the checklist.

You won’t need every lesson.

That's the point.

Select the lessons you need. You choose the order. If you put your head down, it's amazing how much you can achieve in a short space of time.

Now, in case you're thinking ...

Thank you, you're the FIRST person to ever explain this in a way that is understandable and works!

Siyabonga Jali

Sure, that's great for everyone else
But I'm such a technophobe.
I can only type with one finger.
Will this work for me?

If you're at the very beginning of your computer journey, I have put together a special foundational bootcamp to help you hit the ground running. 

It's lovingly called 'Computers for the Terrified!'. And it has helped many people just like you to knock over that very first hurdle and get to grips with all the basics of using a computer, like using a mouse and saving files. 


Computers for the Terrified!

$299 value

However dumb you think you might be, within 30 days you will have given yourself the absolute best crack at being able to look an employer directly in the eye and say 'Sure, I know my way around a computer!'

And if you happen to be at the other end of the scale and think you're maybe 70-80% there, then wouldn’t it be great to finally lock in that last 20% ! ?

Absolutely FANTASTIC... in 10mins one video showed me what I've been trying to do for hours! Actually the best presented instructional video I've seen.

David Albert

Absolutely FANTASTIC... in 10mins one video showed me what I've been trying to do for hours! Actually the best presented instructional video I've seen.

David Albert

But That's Not All

I have replaced regular live group calls with something far better. Throughout your sprint period I will provide help in 2 ways:

  • Member forums
    Ask as many questions as you like. They will always be answered. Members often help each other and I personally check in every day as well.  
  • Private 1-on-1 coaching (on Zoom or Teams)
    Two 15-minute 1-on-1 private Q&A slots with me, if you need it, to use within your sprint period. This is priceless. This like having a phone-a-friend or get-out-of-jail-free card.

Don't be scared by Zoom or Teams if you've never used them before. Full instructions will be given. And this will be a useful skill to add to your resume as well.

1-on-1 coaching slots are available on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Friday of every month between 7am and 7pm AEST (UTC+10).

When You Sign Up Today, You Can Get All This For Less Than The Price Of One Course

Computers for the Terrified!
Word Bootcamp
Excel Bootcamp
Excel Mastery
Word Mastery
Outlook Mastery

(current and future)

Available 24 x 7 x 365. Learn what you need, when you need to.


Lovingly crafted with clear steps that are easy to follow.


Practice & repetition. It's the best way to master anything

FREE ONGOING SUPPORT + twice-monthly 1-on-1 Q&A

Ask anything, anytime.
Paid private coaching available.


Download or print your personal certificate of completion


Write your own notes against each lesson & print them all together

[ Enrollments are currently OPEN but will close as capacity is reached ]


3 essential programs
6 courses covering beginner to advanced skills.
Select your own path. Go at your own pace.





  • Bonus: Computers for the Terrified! (starter course)
  • Training: Word Bootcamp, Word Mastery, Excel Bootcamp, Excel Mastery and Outlook Mastery
  • Personal dashboard: Access the courses, resources and forums. Review and print your course notes
  • Video library: 24x7 access
  • Full training guides: Step-by-step, easy-to-follow
  • Working examples to dissect.
  • Sample files & practise exercises (with answers)
  • Progress tracker
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Personal course notes: Record your own and print them on demand
  • Ask anything, anytime
  • Every question answered. I personally check in 6 days a week.
  • Book a 15-minute 1-on-1 private coaching slot on Zoom or Teams on 1st, 3rd and 5th Friday of each month.
  • 7-day, hassle-free money-back happiness guarantee
  • The number of active sprinters is capped so you can get the attention you need, when you need it.

ADDITIONAL BONUS: When you sign up today, I'll add a further 15 days access bringing your total sprint period to 45 days. This gives you time to double-down and extract every last ounce of value. Be confident and prepared for the opportunities around the corner. This is a limited-time offer and will be removed without notice.

Bonus is only available for limited time and will be removed without notice

This is exactly what I was looking for, thanks a lot! Very helpful and clear!

Santiago Unigarro

Absolutely FANTASTIC... in 10mins one video showed me what I've been trying to do for hours! Actually the best presented instructional video I've seen.

David Albert

Surely, 30 days isn't long enough to learn everything, I hear you ask!

Stop! Come close. Let me share another little secret with you. 

Have you heard of Parkinson's Law?

Parkinson's Law states that the length of time required to complete a task will expand to fill the amount of time allocated to it.

In other words if you give it a year, it will take a year. Condense the timeframe to 30 days and you'll get it done in 30 days. 

If you've read this far then it's likely that you're on the hunt for your next job and time is of the essence.

Restricting the timeframe to 30 days does two things:

  • It incentivises you to get on with it! When you pay for something that has an expiry date, you're not going to put it away to collect dust.
  • It allows me to charge a much lower price and help more people. The full price for these online courses sold separately is $1,500. And if I was to personally coach you it would be several multiples higher.

Some people decide to go hard and zip through everything in a few days!

Others will take the full 30 days.

There's no one best way.

Let's be clear. You must have some skin in the game and be prepared to hustle. Sitting on your butt with half an eye on the latest reality TV show ain't gonna cut it.  

»   I'm laying everything on a platter for you.

»   I'm giving you all the resources you need to succeed.

»   I'm promising you help whenever you need it. 

The only thing required from you is an open mind and a 30 day commitment.

Are you ready to put in the work now to reap the benefits later?

Is this sprint right for you?

Yes, this is RIGHT for you if ...

... you URGENTLY need to be job-ready or interview-ready in 30 days or less

... you're ready to go NOW

... you're ready to hustle and grind

... you want to expand your job opportunities

No, this is NOT for you if ...

... you're looking for cheap training that you can store away and do whenever (check this out instead)

... you want a FOREVER course

... you're not prepared to put the work in

... you're not ready to take immediate action

I wasted two days trying to figure out how to do cascading numbering.
I'm forever grateful. Thank you so much.


I wasted two days trying to figure out how to do cascading numbering.
I'm forever grateful. Thank you so much.


You've provided the simplest explanation of this puzzle by far.., and the competition isn't even close. You've just gained a new fan.

Edriss Alexis

You've provided the simplest explanation of this puzzle by far.., and the competition isn't even close. You've just gained a new fan.

Edriss Alexis


What will happen when I click 'BUY NOW'?

When you click the BUY NOW button you will be taken to a checkout page and prompted to enter your credit card details.

The checkout uses 256-bit encryption, which just means it's VERY secure.

Our software will set up your account (takes 5-10 minutes).

Once your account is ready, you'll receive an email with a link to the membership log-in page, together with your username and a randomly-generated password (which you can change by clicking Reset Password on the login page).

Once logged in, your member dashboard lists all your courses. Inside each course is a welcome section and the modules, topics and lessons neatly organised neatly. View at will. 


Yes. The payment page is 100% safe. If you look in the address bar at the top of the screen, you will see https (and some browsers show a padlock symbol too). The 's' in 'https' stands for secure. Extreme measures are taken to encrypt (scramble) your details as they travel across the internet, to ensure they remain secure.

When will I receive access to the training and other resources?

After your payment has been processed, you will receive an email with a link to the login page together with  your username and a randomly generated password (which you can change). If you don't have an email address, ask a family member or friend to set you up with one.

All instructions about how to access your training and what to do if you get stuck will be provided in the email.

I'm a beginner. Is this THE RIGHT place for me?

Yes, there are a number of beginner courses available.

The Computers for the Terrified! course is for anybody brand-new to computers. It walks you through all the basics and introduces you to Outlook (for email) and Word for printed documents like letters, resumes etc.).

The Beginners Word Bootcamp shows you all the tools you need to put together a well-presented document. 

In the Beginners Excel Bootcamp you'll discover how to use spreadsheets to add up your expenses and other 'low-level' things that you need to get started.

I'm self taught and can do some things already. Is this the right place for me?

If you have some experience in already, then the Bootcamp courses will fill in the gaps and provides a solid foundation for you. And the Mastery courses will propel you forwards and your skill level upwards. 

You'll discover all the little tricks that save you time and make your life easier. You'll learn how to get stuff done quickly, yet look fantastic and are super-easy to maintain.

I'm already quite advanced. Will I learn anything?


It's a brave man (or woman) who declares they know it all. You never really stop learning!

Often too, it's not just about knowing that a tool exists, it's knowing how to use it in different ways AND in combination with other tools AND in the right context.

A screwdriver could be used to screw in a screw, to scrape out a gutter, as an icepick or as a weapon. It's still the same tool but it's how you use it that matters.

These courses will inspire you and give you ideas for different ways to use the tools you already know. Plus, hopefully, show you a few new ones along the way.

I'm the slowest, dumbest student ever? Is this course right for me?

You would be surprised how often I hear this. If your confidence is low but you have determination, you're definitely in the right place. The courses go at a pace that allows you to take in the information and keep up.

You can go back and watch the videos again, as many times as you need to.

The written materials are so good, they could be used in isolation to learn each program. They provide the perfect accompaniment to the videos.

I use Office 2007 / 2010 / 2013 / 2016 / 2019. Is this course relevant for me?

The videos have been recorded on the latest version of Office. That's Office 365 (desktop). 

[ Microsoft Office is the umbrella name for all the individual programs (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Publisher etc.) ]

That said, Office 365 takes a different approach to previous standalone versions, in that it constantly evolves and Microsoft release continual updates (like Windows or MacOS do). So, even tomorrow, there may be a new tool that appears or the screen may look slightly different.

Most of what is covered will also work on older versions, although there may be cosmetic differences and some features may have moved. Where a feature didn't exist or is significantly different, I mention it in the video and explain where you can find it in the older version.

As changes come in, videos will be added or updated to keep it current.

I use OFFICE 365. Is this course relevant for me?


There are actually two variations of Excel 365.

If you have installed Office 365 onto your computer (called Office 365 desktop), then this course is 100% relevant.

However, if you are logging into your Microsoft account and using Excel 365 through your internet browser (called Office 365 online) then you are using a simplified, cut-down version, and not all features mentione will be present.

A Microsoft Office subscription is very affordable (10-12 bucks a month). You will be able to download the desktop version and access all the features, and Microsoft will keep you constantly updated with the latest features.

How long will the training take?

That depends on you. How much do you already know? How busy is your schedule? How quickly do you pick things up?

What's for sure is that the training will fill in all the gaps and move you forward significantly.

Chances are, you’ll want to watch certain sections more than once. You may or may not want to practice the exercises or read the notes. You may go all out and do an intense session or you might watch a couple of videos at a time for as long as it takes.

You never really stop learning, and that’s why the lifetime access is so useful because you can learn, practice, implement, rinse and repeat, and refer back to stuff months or years later.

What can I do to improve my chances of success?

To be successful you have to get your hands dirty. There are no free lunches.

Watching without Doing will not get you there.

Reading without Doing will not get you there either.

The key to succeeding is practising what you learn. The first time you come to put something into practise, you'll probably find you forget the very first step and have to refer back to your notes or the video. But then the second, third and fourth times you get better each time until eventually you no longer have to check your notes. Repetition is the key.

Is there a payment plan?

As this program is so inexpensive, there are no payment plans.

Can I log in on more than one device?


Can I view the videos on my mobile phone?

You can but it is not recommended, as you will not be able to see the details and the processes clearly.

The videos are best viewed on a laptop, tablet or large computer monitor.

The Word on the Street



Thank you so much! I never knew I could do all this. It's amazing and refreshing. This has really opened my eyes, given me a fresh perspective and shown me better ways to get things done. I found the videos clear and concise and they really helped me a lot.



Brilliant! I have spent weeks trying to work some of these things out. I watched a number of youtube videos but they were not very helpful at all. With your program it is all starting to make sense!. You have made my day. Thank you!



I have seen many tutorials on different topics. These are EXCELLENT courses run by a highly knowledgeable, easy going teacher!! Thank you for the hard work you put into putting this together.



Thank you for not wasting my time with a 30 minute lecture of the freaking history of Excel and all kinds of unnecessary info, like so many other ppl do. Your info is quick and easy.



After failing to secure a job that I thought I had in the bag, I bit the bullet and signed up. I quickly realised how much I didn't know. But I put my head down, walked over glass and trusted the process. Guess what. I got the very next job!



Fantastic, precise and simple explanations for a number of things I have been struggling with for years. Thanks heaps.

Thank you, you're the FIRST person to ever explain this in a way that is understandable and works!

Siyabonga Jali

Sign up below and I' can't wait to see you on the inside


3 essential programs
6 courses covering beginner to advanced skills.
Select your own path. Go at your own pace.





  • Bonus: Computers for the Terrified! (starter course)
  • Training: Word Bootcamp, Word Mastery, Excel Bootcamp, Excel Mastery and Outlook Mastery
  • Personal dashboard: Access the courses, resources and forums. Review and print your course notes
  • Video library: 24x7 access
  • Full training guides: Step-by-step, easy-to-follow
  • Working examples to dissect.
  • Sample files & practise exercises (with answers)
  • Progress tracker
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Personal course notes: Record your own and print them on demand
  • Ask anything, anytime
  • Every question answered. I personally check in 6 days a week.
  • Book a 15-minute 1-on-1 private coaching slot on Zoom or Teams on 1st, 3rd and 5th Friday of each month.
  • 7-day, hassle-free money-back happiness guarantee
  • The number of active sprinters is capped so you can get the attention you need, when you need it.

ADDITIONAL BONUS: When you sign up today, I'll add a further 15 days access bringing your total sprint period to 45 days. This gives you time to double-down and extract every last ounce of value. Be confident and prepared for the opportunities around the corner. This is a limited-time offer and will be removed without notice.

Bonus is only available for limited time and will be removed without notice
