Do you aspire to become an "Office Legend"?
Join me as I show you how to finally nail the computer skills that are holding you back
You're just seconds away from the training, quality advice, support, feedback, ideas and inspiration you need to put the fire back in your belly. Discover how to leverage the power of Microsoft Office to slash hours from your daily work tasks. Get your mojo back. Find your answers. Vanquish your demons. Master new skills and work smarter. And if that job, promotion or opportunity has been eluding you since forever, then watch as new doors fly open.

If that's you, then you already know what a minefield it can be trying to get quality advice & support
Every day I hear stories from people just like you. You're willing to do the hard yards to improve yourself, to lift your skills and put yourself in the best position to land a decent job or promotion, or simply to do your job better. But you're being left high-and-dry ,thanks to ...
... and that's why I created the ...

an extensive training library where you have all the teaching you need, and a friendly community where you can receive quality advice and ask any anything anytime. Unlike every other course and membership, I am directly accessible every day.
Are You a
Legend in the Making?
The Office Legends Academy is more than just a collection of in-depth, actionable Microsoft Office courses (full courses, not teasers).
It's a one-stop-shop for beginners and veterans alike
to get answers, feedback, ideas and inspiration.
Unlike other online courses where you're left to work it out for yourself you can ask questions any time and get a personal reply.

Put together a well-designed spreadsheet with working formulas, a well-designed document that updates automatically or a PowerPoint slide deck that doesn't put people to sleep!
Gain the confidence and skill level to do your job better or land that job you really want. Achieve the freedom, satisfaction and lifestyle you want.
Finally get to grips with the tools that Microsoft give you and figure out the problems and pitfalls as they arise without asking for assistance.
Eliminate the guesswork and stop throwing stuff at the wall hoping something will stick. Follow my program, trust the process and save hours of frustration.
Tap into the collective knowledge & experience of an online community of like-minded people and experts who are there to support each other. You don’t have to do this alone.
Shave years from your learning curve and get your time back. Learn all the hacks and shortcuts that enable you to work better, faster and smarter.
Why the Legends Academy will work for you
even if everything you've tried before has failed?
After 20+ years in the field working with individuals, SME's (small to medium enterprises) and large internationals across a range of industries, it's fair to say I've picked up a thing or two!
The advice and techniques I share are the same as those I use myself every day (for my clients and my own projects).
You can ask questions anytime, either privately or through the forums. Use the community as a sounding board. Bounce ideas around. Get clear direction.
I want every member to succeed. I will show you how to do things better, faster and smarter using lots of proven and actionable shortcuts. I show you what works and what doesn't
As others have helped me get over my hurdles in the past, I want to help you. I'm present in the forums 6 days a week ready to answer your questions.
People can over-complicate things, over-think things and over-engineer things. I try to keep my advice as simple, straight-forward and easy to implement as possible.
About the Academy Creator: Jason Morrell
In the late 90's, a stranger took less than 30 minutes to untangle and solve a problem that had consumed me for nearly 3 weeks. Since then, I have made it my focus to be 'that guy' for other people.
For 20+ years, I have consulted with businesses of all sizes in many markets and countries, and provided training for thousands of individuals from cleaners to CEO's.
Now I want to share my best stuff with you. What actually works? What matters and what can be ignored? I pull from a deep well of knowledge but explain things simply.
With 4 kids, I have a busy home life, here on the Gold Coast (in Australia).
I love a good coffee, ocean walks, motorsport & footy.

The Word on the Street
Thank you so much! I never knew I could do all this. It's amazing and refreshing. This course has really opened my eyes and given me a fresh perspective. I found the videos clear and concise and they really helped me a lot.
Brilliant! I have spent weeks trying to work this out. I watched a number of other training videos, however they were not very helpful at all. After watching your videos it all makes sense!. You have made my day. Thank you!
I have seen many tutorials on different topics. This is an EXCELLENT course run by a highly knowledgeable, easy going teacher!! Thank you for the hard work you put into creating the course!

(current and future)
Available 24 x 7 x 365. Learn what you need, when you need to.
Lovingly crafted with clear steps that are easy to follow.
Practice & repetition. It's the best way to master anything
(PRO members only)
Valuable archive of shortcuts, cheat sheets & checklists
Ask anything, anytime.
Paid private coaching available.
Download or print your personal certificate of completion
Write your own notes against each lesson & print them all together
Boost your confidence. Conquer your fears. Go you!
Who is this for? If you desperately need to improve your Microsoft Office skills and you're willing to hustle, put some skin in the game and practice, make mistakes and overcome obstacles (with my help), then I'll be there every step of the way. I have a vested interest in helping you succeed. Everything you need is in the Office Legends Academy.
Who is this NOT for? If you're a tyre-kicker, a lookey-loo or believe you can master new skills purely by osmosis or by waving a magic wand without taking any action, then this is probably NOT the place for you. It might seem strange that I'm trying to talk you OUT of becoming a member - but if the Academy is not the right fit then neither of us benefit.

Get Started Today
Pay Your Own Price
(Minimum Price Only $79)
I'm on a mission to help 100,000 people become legends in Microsoft Office. And I don't want price to be a barrier. That's right. Get your hands on as many of my premium e-courses as you need for whatever you want to pay.
No catch. No strings attached.
Up until now, these powerful courses have sold for $299-$399 (and that's a steal). Most course creators put their prices UP over time, but I wanted to try something completely different. Let you choose what you want to pay. It may blow up in my face (and I may withdraw this offer without notice) but I want to create a different kind of legacy. Money does not motivate me.
So why don't I give it away for free?
Honestly, tyre-kickers and freebie-seekers suck! 'Free' rarely attracts people who are willing to hustle and grind and put in the work to succeed. They're time wasters. I want to help people with a genuine need. Action takers who go all-in. Only you know if that's you. When you pay (even a little bit) you pay attention and you're incentivised and motivated to go through the course(s).
So now the only question is:
ARE YOU SERIOUS about mastering one of more of the programs below for your own self-improvement, for better job prospects or to get answers to your burning questions?
The better question is:
What is this worth to you? What would it mean to you to get to the other side? To land that dream job or promotion? To NOT have to keep asking for help? To be self-sufficient and more confident? To master a fistful of new tools that slash hours from your week?
You can't put a price on that!

1. Excel Mastery
Propel yourself beyond the basics and master everything from complex formulas to tables, charts and pivot tables, and so much more.

2. Word Mastery
From a simple one page letter to quarterly reports or full-blown training manuals and ops guides, master Word's powerful time-saving tools to optimise your content.

3. PowerPoint Mastery
Don't put your audience to sleep. Design your next presentation to be electrifying and engaging using PowerPoint's graphic tools, masters, animations, live delivery tools and set up options.

4. Outlook Mastery
Discover all that Microsoft Outlook has to offer from powerful email tools to the calendar, contact manager and task manager. Start streamlining your work life today.

5. Publisher Mastery
Quickly design all kinds of publications such as newsletters, brochures, certificates and business cards. Utilise Publisher's templates, tools and galleries for stunning results.

6. Computers for the Terrified!
Master the fundamentals and discover how to become completely self-sufficient on your own computer WITHIN A WEEK, even if you're starting at zero.

7. Beginners Word Bootcamp
Discover the full range of beginner tools on hand to create beautiful, well-presented documents in Word.

8 Beginners Excel Bootcamp
Learn the ropes of Excel and create your own spreadsheets. Write simple formulas that work!

9. Graphics like a Pro
Produce amazing business graphics using the tools built right into the Microsoft Office programs. There's more there than you think.

Only available with PRO membership


Jump in. Get excited.
If you're worried about taking this next step, let me put your mind at ease. I encourage you to spend the next 30 days going through your course(s) and watching the needle move upwards as you get more confident.
If you find it just isn’t working for you then you can cancel any time for a full refund. The button is right there in your member dashboard.
Think about it. The worst that can happen is that you come away a little bit smarter! Realistically, you could finally get the skills and confidence-boost you're looking for and tick this item off your list. Better yet, expand your job or promotion prospects.
How good would that feel!
When you click BUY you will be taken to a payment page and prompted to enter your credit card details.
If you are a new customer, our software will set up your account (takes 5-10 minutes).
Once your account is ready, you'll receive an email with a link to the membership log-in page, together with your username and a randomly-generated password (which you can change).
If you are an existing customer, your new course will be available in your member dashboard within a few minutes.
Once logged in, your member dashboard lists all your courses. Inside each course is a welcome section and the modules, topics and lessons neatly organised neatly. View at will.
Yes. The payment page is 100% safe. If you look in the address bar at the top of the screen, you will see https (and some browsers show a padlock symbol too), which is essential when you are sharing financial details. The 's' in 'https' stands for secure. This means it is safe to enter your credit card details. Extreme measures are taken to encrypt (scramble) your details as they travel across the internet, to ensure they remain secure.
After your payment has been processed, you will receive an email within 5-10 minutes with a link to the login page together with your username and a randomly generated password (which you can change). If you don't have an email address, ask a family member or friend to set you up with one.
All instructions about how to access your training and what to do if you get stuck will be provided in the email.
Yes, there are a number of beginner courses available.
The Computers for the Terrified! course is for anybody brand-new to computers. It walks you through all the basics and introduces you to Outlook (for email) and Word for printed documents like letters, resumes etc.).
The Beginners Word Bootcamp shows you all the tools you need to put together a well-presented document.
In the Beginners Excel Bootcamp you'll discover how to use spreadsheets to add up your expenses and other 'low-level' things that you need to get started.
If you have some experience in already, then the Bootcamp courses will fill in the gaps and provide a solid foundation for you. The Mastery courses will propel you forwards and push your skill level upwards.
You'll discover all the little tricks that save you time and make your life easier. You'll learn how to get stuff done quickly, yet look fantastic and are super-easy to maintain.
Anyone who declares they know it all doesn't know what they don't know. You never really stop learning!
Often too, it's not just about knowing that a tool exists, it's knowing how to use it in different ways AND in combination with other tools AND in the right context.
A screwdriver could be used to screw in a screw, to scrape out a gutter, as an icepick or as a weapon. It's still the same tool but it's how you use it that matters.
These courses will inspire you and give you ideas for different ways to use the tools you already know. Plus, hopefully, show you a few new ones along the way.
You would be surprised how often I hear this. If your confidence is low but you have determination, you're definitely in the right place. The courses go at a pace that allows you to take in the information and keep up.
You can go back and watch the videos again, as many times as you need to.
The written materials are so good, they could be used in isolation to master each program. They provide the perfect accompaniment to the videos.
The videos have been recorded on the latest version of Office. That's Office 365 (desktop).
[ Microsoft Office is the umbrella name for all the individual programs (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Publisher etc.) ]
That said, Office 365 takes a different approach to previous standalone versions, in that it constantly evolves and Microsoft release continual updates (like Windows or MacOS do). So, even tomorrow, there may be a new tool that appears or the screen may look slightly different to what is shown in the video.
But fundamentally, unless Microsoft do a massive revamp like they did in 2007, the videos should stand the test of time.
Most of what is covered will also work on older versions, although there may be cosmetic differences and some features may have moved. Where a feature didn't exist or is significantly different, I mention it in the video and explain where you can find it in the older version.
As changes come in, videos will be added or updated to keep it current.
There are actually two variations of Excel 365.
If you have installed Office 365 onto your computer (called Office 365 desktop), then this course is 100% relevant.
However, if you are logging into your Microsoft account and using Excel 365 through your internet browser (called Office 365 online) then you are using a simplified, cut-down version, and not all features mentioned will be present.
A Microsoft Office subscription is very affordable (10-12 bucks a month). You will be able to download the desktop version and access all the features, and Microsoft will keep you constantly updated with the latest features.
That depends on you. How much do you already know? How busy is your schedule? How quickly do you pick things up?
What's for sure is that the training will fill in all the gaps and quickly move you forward.
Chances are, you’ll want to watch certain sections more than once. You may or may not want to practice the exercises or read the notes. You may go all out and do an intense session or you might watch a couple of videos at a time for as long as it takes.
You never really stop learning, and that’s why the lifetime access is so useful because you can learn, practice, implement, rinse and repeat, and refer back to stuff months or years later.
To be successful you have to get your hands dirty. There are no free lunches.
Watching without Doing will not get you there.
Reading without Doing will not get you there either.
The key to succeeding is practising what you learn. The first time you come to put something into practise, you'll probably find you forget the very first step and have to refer back to your notes or the video. But then the second, third and fourth times you get better each time until eventually you no longer have to check your notes. Repetition is the key.
The payment options are displayed in the pricing section above.
You can get started for a dollar.
There are options to pay monthly, purchase individual courses outright, purchase a bundle and save some money, or go for a Pro membership.
The videos are best viewed on a laptop, tablet or large computer monitor.
However, a modern phone with a larger screen can certainly be used as the image quality these days is excellent.
Thank you for not wasting our time with a 30 minute lecture of the freaking history of Excel and all kinds of unnecessary info, like so many other ppl do. Your info is quick and easy.
After failing to secure a job that I thought I had in the bag, I bit the bullet and signed up. I quickly realised how much I didn't know. But I put my head down, went through the course and guess what. I got the very next job I went for! Thank you so much.
Fantastic, precise and simple explanations for a number of things I have been struggling with for years. Thanks heaps.

I am 31, a mother of two and I work part-time. The last time I used Excel was 8 years ago. This is a fabulous product and I thank you for letting me be a part of it. It works for me because I have constant interruptions. I love that I can come back to it any time, do an hour in the morning, half an hour during lunch or in the evening. I don't have time to attend a classroom course.
Straight away I started to learn new things. It's easy to follow. I learnt something new in each video. Some of it I found easy and some took a bit of practice. The format works very well for me.

Coffee rocks! Especially in a big red mug!
A Personal Note
I really hope you'll jump on board today. It would be a terrible feeling if in 12 months time, after letting this opportunity pass by, you look back and realise you are in exactly the same place as you are right now.
I'll leave you with 3 quick thoughts
So don't put it off any longer. Take back control.
See you on the inside,